If your child is hyperactive and/or has attention problems take this test. This test will let you know if your child has any hyperactivity or attention problems like ADHD and the severity if any. This test considers the parameter of attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and oppositional behaviour.
Autism Test
Take this test if your child’s communication is not appropriate to the age and if the child is very sensitive. This test will help you understand your child’s sensitivity and socializing skills and identify any signs of Autism. This test considers the parameter of attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and oppositional behaviour.
Academic Skills Test
If your child is poor in academics. Having trouble in reading, writing, spelling, maths or having attention problems then take this test. This test will help you understand why your child is poor in academics and point out any prevalent learning disabilities. This test takes into consideration the child’s specific academic difficulties like reading, writing, spelling, maths, memory, attention, and emotional wellness.
Dyslexia Test
If your child is not able to read or hesitates to read. Does not remember or understand what s/he is reading then take this test to determine if they are signs of Dyslexia.
Dyscalculia Test
Take this test if your child has difficulty remembering math formulas, getting confused with numbers, and scoring less in maths. Identify the signs of Dysgraphia and support your children accordingly.
Dysgraphia Test
If your child has problems in writing or copying from the board or expressing in written format, please take this test to identify Dysgraphia.
Dyspraxia Test
Take this test if you observe that your child lacks basic coordination, does not prefer to play games, or has difficulty in holding the pencil, tying the shoelaces, or buttoning.
Attention Test
Take this test if your child gets easily distracted or unorganised and cannot sit in one place.
Memory Test
Take this test if your child spends a lot of time studying but does not remember what s/he studied.
Emotional Wellness Test
Take this test if your child has behavioural problems or feeling low or sudden change in daily activity.
Dysorthographia Test
If your child is good at reading but makes a lot of spelling mistakes, then take this test.